Aditi Bhatnagar

SaaS Growth Machine

Few indicators of growth machines source:

  • Should aim to build a repeatable, scalable, profitable growth machine
  • The 40% rule - growth rate + profit should add up to 40%. So, if you are growing at 20%, you should be generating a profit of 20%. If you are growing at 40%, you should be generating a 0% profit. If you are growing at 50%, you can lose 10%.
  • T2D3 approach - triple your size/revenue for two years in a row, and then double it for three years in a row. After that you should pursue the rule of 40%.
  • The no. 1 indicator for saas should be growing no. of bookings
  • bookings = lead flow * funnel conversion rates * average deal size
  • bookings when there are sales rep = no of reps * PPR (productivity per rep)
  • ARR has a linear growth with flat bookings
  • ARR shows exponential growth with growing bookings
  • Hence, instead of ARR, focus on net new ARR
  • Net new ARR = New ARR + Expansion ARR - Churn ARR
  • CAC < LTV, more specifically for a growth machine, LTV > 3 * CAC
  • Recover CAC in 12-18 months
  • Negative churn => expansion revenue > revenue from lost customers
  • Expansion revenue means variable price is required
  • Variable price can be based on
    • price for features
    • price on number of users
    • price from depth of usage (infra cost, etc.)
  • Classify churn as customer churn vs dollar churn