Aditi Bhatnagar

About Me


I was born in the northern most city of Rajasthan, which borders both Pakistan and Punjab and is one of the first well-planned cities of India. I studied science until 12th grade in a popular english medium school here, cleared both medical and engineering entrace exams for the state of Karnataka and opted for the generic field of computer science which had pathways for all science domains. I graduated with a bachelor’s in engineering from a well-known college in Bangalore.

I worked with Siemens Healthcare, Netskope, Myra Medicines as a software engineer solving problems in cancer detection, cloud security, supply chain management and last mile deliveries. After 7 years as an engineer, I decided to join an entrepreneurship cohort in Singapore. This became an important milestone in my life and the experience led me to a serious career planning.

Upon careful reflection on career path, I switched gears a little bit, and mindfully ventured into the domain of engineering leadership which aligned better with my interests. I also decided to parallely work on getting financial independent, which should allow me to make more meaningful decisions in life.

Over the years, I developed keen interest in music, art and psychology. I always enjoyed sports and played badminton and tennis in free time. With my widespread interests in divergent areas and never ending curiosity, I felt I was trying a lot but going nowhere. I was a jack of some trades but a master of none. Therefore, alongside the career shift, I decided to focus on 2-3 key areas for a few years.

As I stayed away from family for more than a decade, I figured that I had different interests than most of my friends. I found well-written research papers more fascinating than Netflix. I had more time for deep 1:1 interactions than catching up with a group. I felt I was slowly getting disconnected from my circle due to my lack of appreciation for anything casual, shallow.

I used these experiences and reflections to evolve my understanding of self. I now know that I enjoy solitude, value close relations, appreciate a healthy routine, need less than I imagine, care deeply for my people and wish to lead a quality life. My loving family and friends make my world a beautiful place and I hope to forward their love and kindness as I go through life.

I use this space to write my observations and thoughts. If you wish to connect, feel free to email me.